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Poll results:

What party did you vote for in the 2021 federal election?

0 total votes   Added

Conservative 0 votes 0.00%
Liberal 0 votes 0.00%
NDP 0 votes 0.00%
Green 0 votes 0.00%
PPC 0 votes 0.00%
I didn't vote in the 2021 election 0 votes 0.00%
Comments 9

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Myron Humeniuk

Here we go again!


people before you vote make sure you have thought it through and through. do you want to see changes or do you want the same old thing lies after lies, debt after debt, taxes to death. can you survive another 4 years of more carbon taxes, less housing, less hospitals, education, less money in your pocket. this is the time you decide for yourselves once and for all. at the end of the day the decision is yours alone.


We didn't vote the cons in! What are you talking about?


This question was about 2021


Before you tell people to think through, learn the levels of the government and their roles. This poll asked about the federal government. The provincial government is in charge of housing, healthcare and education. The carbon tax is on the federal level, but people really need to learn what they’re voting for in each election. People need to do some research and vote according to what benefits them and what they think is important on the Federal level. This last election coworkers based their decisions on cuts that happened recently, they were based on cuts at the federal level and not the provincial. People just aren’t educated and listen to what people say, that’s why we end up in the situations we’re in.

GMetz Verified

On a per capita basis, Ontario (Ford) has put us further into debt than the feds (Trudeau).
As a matter of fact Ontario has the highest (per capita) debt level of any jurisdiction in North America.
Why is it that Trudeau gets all the blame?
It’s obvious that negative ads work.
If financial prudence is important to you, you should be voting for the banker.


"less housing, less hospitals, education, less money in your pocket" All provincial issues and guess what ? A conservative got voted in again. We are not taxed to death. Income tax actually went down under the Liberals. GST is still 5%. The reason you pay more is because corporations upped their prices. You can't blame the cost of gas on the carbon tax when it fluctuates daily. The carbon tax is still .17c per litre. The part that is fluctuating is the oil n gas's portion. Even if the CT is removed, nothing is stopping them from hiking their portion the same amount as what the CT was.

Paul VG

Propaganda is the con.

J_B Verified

Dosen't Matter Who
Just Vote Blue


Red, Team Canada all the way.
Voting blue is voting for us to be the 51st state.

Both PC Ford and PC Harper endorsing Liberal Carney, who has real experience, his security clearance, and credibility. Everything PC Polievre doesn't have.

Encino Man
Encino Man

Need to add a I dont remember option, I really have no clue. I know I did, just no clue who for.

Northporchgal Verified

As much as I believe Doug Ford is right for the job I could not endorse Jill Dunlop. .

Larry H Rayner Verified

People read the bloody question. It's asking who you voted for in the 2021 "FEDERAL ELECTION"??


Yeah and these people vote, makes me worried.


If you care about your country and want to be heard, vote. The last recent election was a disgrace, only 33% of the voters turned out. Encourage your family and friends. This is a privilege that we shouild never take for granted or rely on others.


Why are we talking about the future when the question was about the past??


I voted New Blue, and after I seen, they didnt have a chance of winning.

The Village Report poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Sault Ste. Marie or other areas.