how early do you get there? Shouldn't have to park at the mall for any event or any streets across from paris.
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and hotels so if there are big concerts or hockey events, it would be close by
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i love how people continue to push this you will own nothing narrative without adding the context of where that quote came from and what it really means
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and if the Liberals win again, will you accept it or cry that it was rigged as we are expecting from the Conservative base
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I'd rather be controlled by the WEF than the IDU.
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I guess it is. Lots of smarts in that tree.
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exactly!! they can buy the kits themselves. By the way, Ford was only supplying the kits ( and likely installation) but they would be on the hook for the monthly fee associated with having that service. I feel if they wanted this , they would have already gotten one.
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i like the "if you alter your days, you lose the original booking and need to rebook" idea. There should be a 2 hr wait to be able to rebook too. These people who play the system are the ones making it difficult for people who actually want to go on those dates. They get every long weekend this way too. It would be easy to identify those who keep choosing 14 days and cancelling too. Flag their accounts.
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I researched. This is what i found.
Between Canada and the United States under the USMCA, the deal that we negotiated under President Trump in his first term, Canada and the United States are 99% tariff-free
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No listings have been posted by KimLB
as an introvert, covid and it's restrictions were the best of times.
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