This question was about 2021
9 1
I find it funny that some people don’t want to change habits cause they “dont like the taste of frenches” that is honestly the smallest sacrifice anyone can do. I mean it barely changes your life while helping to protect family’s from loosing everything…
Let’s go Canada, let’s get serious.
5 0
Flip the switch Ford, shut them out. The US is headed towards being a hermit country like the DPRK. It’s our chance to be the new #1
9 2 1
Your funny lol
3 7
Cliffhanger, the exact type of comment expected from the right. New is bad, social media good
20 16
To gruntfutak, yes
7 3
18% said no??
9 2 0
How can you possibly know if the data has really been deleted?? Is that not like the person who stole your wallet telling you they threw your ID in the trash??
1 0 0
Refurbished is great if it comes with the standard warranty
1 1 0
No listings have been posted by boootzz
Why are we talking about the future when the question was about the past??
1 0 0