If you care about your country and want to be heard, vote. The last recent election was a disgrace, only 33% of the voters turned out. Encourage your family and friends. This is a privilege that we shouild never take for granted or rely on others.
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I love the idea. My husband and I walked in the evening and when we returned home I said, "I almost called my mother!" My mom passed in December. My husband replied, "I keep waiting for my daughter to call." She passed over a year ago. I have told him to call her. He did and just hearing her voice was a marvel. There is a certain magic to phone calls. I believe holding a phone in your hand and talking them, gives you solace. This is very thoughtful way that Mark has created to help others cope with their loss. Thank you Mark.
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Seniors are the forgotten. My mother recently passed. While in an expensive retirement home and LTC, the lack of staff was very apparent. SHe was in the emergency for 5 days before she got a bed. I was told that there were 43 others waiting for a bed. What a disgrace. The process of moving our elderly to LTC is gruesome due to a shortage. You have to be almost incapacited before you are considered. If you pay private, they get in. There's a shortage of workers at most LTC in Sudbury. The hospital was insistant that they could still treat her and send her home. She was in and out of the hospital into December. Each time being released, would return shortly after as she had never recovered! In December she passed in my arms. I was grateful that I was able to be with her most of the time. Many have no one. This system is badly broken on several levels. We all llistened to how broken it was during covid with promised remedies. Hollow promises. Who will fix this? RIP mom
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Will there be mail in or online voting. Lot of snowbirds from Ontario gone.
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Bonnie Crombie, please refrain from your rhetoric. The worlds richest man does not need to salute to anyone. Was that a salute. I missed the part where he was honoring Hitler. Yet, then again, our own Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau stood up and gave TWO standing ovations to Yaroslav Hunka, a WWII Nazi, along with Zelenskyy, in the Canadian Parliament. How dare you call him a destructive man child. He is one of the most successful business man in the world. Elon was the first to provide internet service to Ukraine, North Carolina and California. What did you do? Before you start throwing stones, clean up your own house. Now about the interenet. Where is the completion? Why to do we continue pay more then any other country. Something wrong with this picture. For those crying about the hard earned tax payers dollars been spent, how about the dollars wasted on a casino. Like the others, clean up your own house.
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We don't have any other options. Time the voting system was revamped.
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LTC beds aren't readily available. If they were, people would not be shipped away from their homes. Seniors in crisis are rated 1-6. If you are deemed a 4 then there is a possibility they are accepted. Before you infer that seniors don't have a right to the same care as any other patient, sit in an emergency room for a day. There is a shortage of health care in Ontario. Seniors are lying in hallways and waiting rooms while addicts and drunks are sleeping it off. I have sat in the hallways many times with my mother. The workers are doing the best they can and look after everyone to the best of their abilities. Their working conditions are deplorable. $400/day? How about paying families $400/day to look after their seniors at home? These people have paid taxes their entire lives and deserve treatment. Before you become judgemental of who deserves and who doesn't, let's demand our government stand up and increase health care and services.
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I get tired of Canadian media focusing on the US. It is long overdue that the focus returns to Canada and Canadian politics. We live in Canada and our backyard needs a major cleanup. US politics is opinion-driven. To have a view, live it. The media has done us no favors. Remember, no one wants you to believe your lying eyes. Just like the great debate. And now the whole party wants him out after assuring us, he looks his finest!l How can we believe a single word they say anymore? Really. Time we unite and get it right.
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When will the Casino fiasco be investigated!
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This is ridiculous, US has not removed Canadian products from the shelve. We are a free country and I will buy which ever product is cheaper. The bottom line matters, price! Doug Ford was questioned by US media last night if he thought it was fair that Canada charged the US a 320% tariff on milk and they only charged Canada 2.5%. He could not answer the question! He was questioned on several other examples and his response was that he needed to sit down and have a conversation. He also lived in the US for 20 years and reassured Newsmax how much he loved the US.
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