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Member since: Jul, 2023

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Algoma Steel looks to break the tariff ice through Canadian shipbuilding and defence orders

Algoma Steel looks to break the tariff ice through Canadian shipbuilding and defence orders

Local News |

Ihaveanopinion replied

Yup, pp done!

1 0

Ihaveanopinion replied

OK, so the algoma steel order is for an imaginary boat?
Even with facts you choose pp, who never held a job, no economic experience, no security clearance, staff wear Maga hats. Your the one with a very bad imagination, pp will axe seniors benefits, child care and our health system. His supporters want to make money off of the ill, guaranteed income when he implements for profit health care. Shame.

1 1

Ihaveanopinion replied

Trump also wants our water, they are running out reason for reviewing treatys and his imaginary line.

Trump trying to cause economic implosion due to tariffs, wants to reset usa economy. They are last and owe the most out of all G7.
Canada is 1st economically on this list, and our interest rates have been lowered again. Liberals got us through covid, this caused economic damage worldwide.

3 0

Ihaveanopinion replied

You are correct, reason Liberals put duty on China steel.

I doubt Trump will, wants economies to implode as they are in debt the most out of G7. Reset country, same conspiracy theory Polieve spewing in 2020, meeting with right wing and q anon, was in Toronto star then, still valid now. Both are very sad men.

1 0

Ihaveanopinion replied

Team Canada with Carney at the helm will make us stronger together!
Elbows up!

9 6

Ihaveanopinion replied

There is only one plan to not letting usa annex us.
Team Canada needs to be the same, internal change will harm us.

Poilievre goal to divide and sell us.

5 8

LETTER: Carney insults Trudeau as Trudeau smiles and claps

LETTER: Carney insults Trudeau as Trudeau smiles and claps

Letters to the Editor |

Ihaveanopinion replied

Covid brought us and all other countries the economic blow.
Canada hasvthe least amount owing, usa at the bottom, soon bankrupt and why Trump wants the economic turmoil. He is trying to hit reset button, just like Polievre said in 2020 when meeting with right wing extremists like q anon.

Not a leader by any means, no experience, no employment, career lying politician that could make Santa look bad.

8 5

Ihaveanopinion replied

Alex, foreign interests are very important, they will be filling the gap that the usa does not need. Carney works well with others, another quality pp does not have!

9 5

Ihaveanopinion replied

The only bird is the Cuckoo Poilievre !

6 8

Ihaveanopinion commented

Lol, your sad, Carney has already saved Canada when PC Harper had economy in turmoil, highest unemployment, highest interest.
Liberals got us through covid, interest rates lowered again. Facts.

Carney has support from all provincial premiers, Team Canada has the best economic plan.
polievre has his wife doing tv ads, paid by PC fund supporters, now this is another scandle.
Polievre has been meeting with right wing conspiracy theorists since 2020, q anon for one. Google this, all the articles are educational on what a nasty man pp really is.
Pp wants to reset economy just like Trump wanting to hit reset on theirs, because they are so far in debt almost bankrupt.reason Trump and Musk support.

Carney will save Canada, Poilievre will axe/annex Canada.

11 12 5

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