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Member since: Oct, 2022

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COLUMN: Trump's economic boasts show 'monumental ignorance'

COLUMN: Trump's economic boasts show 'monumental ignorance'

Local News |

GMetz replied

Of the 88 ordered,16 have already been paid for. There are virtually no parts made in Canada for the F35. The US would forever be in control of the software and can dictate, mission by mission, when and how we can use this plane. But the problem is if we change the remaining units we would need to maintain, spare, train and support 2 makers. Thats just too costly. To build our own is also too long and costly. the US pressured us into the F35 purchase via NATO and NORAD. The answer is to resell the 16 brand new units to several countries that already have F35s and we should go with what was our second choice, the Gripen fighter jet from Sweden. Several other NATO countries are buying them and they are lower cost, have longer range (important to Canada) and Saab has proposed that they be assembled in Canada along with a complete Canadian repair and overhaul program. They suggested Winnipeg, where Air Canada and many other aerospace firms have already established a competent labour pool.

2 0

What best describes your view of Pierre Poilievre?

Poll |

GMetz replied

Our only option to take on Trump is to unite as a country. It pains me as a conservative to see PPs messaging to be so negative and divisive. Exactly what Trump wants.

0 0

GMetz replied

Trump will eat PP for breakfast.
Totally outmatched.
We can not let that happen to our country.

3 1

CLOSER LOOK: A new prime minister has been chosen — now when is the election?

CLOSER LOOK: A new prime minister has been chosen — now when is the election?

Closer Look |

GMetz replied

You, sir, are proof that negative ads work.
Another lesson the PCs learned from Trump.

2 2

What party did you vote for in the 2021 federal election?

Poll |

GMetz replied

On a per capita basis, Ontario (Ford) has put us further into debt than the feds (Trudeau).
As a matter of fact Ontario has the highest (per capita) debt level of any jurisdiction in North America.
Why is it that Trudeau gets all the blame?
It’s obvious that negative ads work.
If financial prudence is important to you, you should be voting for the banker.

18 9

'Worst news': U.S. tariffs a 'perfect storm' for boating industry

'Worst news': U.S. tariffs a 'perfect storm' for boating industry

Local News |

GMetz commented

What a Boo-Hoo article. I shed not a tear for folks that need to buy the necessities like Luxury yachts and cards and games and guns and amo. Oh my god, they pay HST? How unfair. Time to look for other sources.
In this area, not too long ago, we had a thriving boat building industry. Why did we not support them then? Free trade was the battle cry when Mulroney went to the shamrock summit meeting with Regan. Free-trade destroyed our industries and we let it happen because we trusted the US. No more. Maybe we'll pay a bit more to support local.
The problem is not with our politicians. They are trying to play hardball with a weak hand. Can you imagine how many Air-mile points that Ford has racked up recently?
The problem is Trump and Trump alone. There is no reasoning here. He'll just move the goalposts. Lets build our own industries again and support them even after Trump is gone. Which can't be soon enough.

15 2 2

Canada Post loses hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Should it move to one to two days per week mail delivery?

Poll |

GMetz replied

What stock options are you talking about?
I didn’t know Canada Post had shares.
One of the reasons they lose money every year is that they report to the government, who tells them what services they must supply, to where and how much they can charge. What business can be profitable with these conditions?

28 7

Voters upset after Orillia mayor endorses Doug Ford campaign

Voters upset after Orillia mayor endorses Doug Ford campaign

2025 Provincial Election News |

GMetz replied

I will.

1 0

POLL: Is the U.S. Canada's ally? Readers show dramatic shift

POLL: Is the U.S. Canada's ally? Readers show dramatic shift

Local News |

GMetz replied

The first thing Hitler did was replace any and all opposition with Hitler loyalists.
As we see the appointment of Trump loyalists in Finance, the courts, the military, most government departments. Both got support from the very rich and both pressured the media into supporting his policies. Immigrants or jews are handy targets. There are many similarities of these two far-right populist movements.

38 13

TRILLIUM TALK: Doug Ford’s Greenbelt line gets a good laugh

TRILLIUM TALK: Doug Ford’s Greenbelt line gets a good laugh

2025 Provincial Election News |

GMetz replied

Doug Ford and the PCs added $100 billion to the deficit. Ontario now has more debt per capita than any other jurisdiction in North America.
Many of us always voted PC because we believe in financial prudence. Dough Ford has proven to be the exact opposite.
Sorry Doug. I can’t vote for this. Not this time.

57 11

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