If you want more people to use the Downtown core , do something about the sad state of parking affairs.
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Stay on you compound / resort. Play del Carmen is notorious for gang shootings.
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A ticket at Xmas because I was parked partly on a yellow line in a half deserted parking lot , cover by snow has ended my goodwill to downtown shopping loyalty.
I tried to fight it a city hall same day to no avail.
It’s free parking for me now.
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I don’t find it “ amazing” This riding has been a Conservative stronghold since beer was 10 cents.
What would’ve been amazing would ve been to see her knocking on doors .
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Not one person knocked on my door in Orillia. In Toronto on weekend at my sons, PC party called, Liberals knocked on door and NDP left a flyer and a little chocolate.
Is it because Orillia is so staunchly Conservative that Queen Jane knows she will not be usurped that she’s a no show in the hood?
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I’m buying more frozen produce so less waste. I also only put it out every few weeks. I think a lot of us can’t afford to waste end of fresh broccoli, dogs love it. I’m doing my part just less of it going into waste.
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Get a roofer with insurance. Had mine done for under $500. And they cleaned up the snow after it came down. Very polite local guys
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We’ve had enough Liberal party running this country into the poorhouse.
As far as pensions go they all get them, golden parachute club.
Vote Conservative and have a new base built in the Arctic.
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Why is this arsonist out on bail. He should be charged with attempted murder of people inside buildings. He’s a menace to society. He should’ve at least been sent for a phyc analysis and held for as long as possible.
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As much as I believe Doug Ford is right for the job I could not endorse Jill Dunlop. .
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