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Member since: Jan, 2024

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What party did you vote for in the 2021 federal election?

Poll |

C ALP replied

Before you tell people to think through, learn the levels of the government and their roles. This poll asked about the federal government. The provincial government is in charge of housing, healthcare and education. The carbon tax is on the federal level, but people really need to learn what they’re voting for in each election. People need to do some research and vote according to what benefits them and what they think is important on the Federal level. This last election coworkers based their decisions on cuts that happened recently, they were based on cuts at the federal level and not the provincial. People just aren’t educated and listen to what people say, that’s why we end up in the situations we’re in.

20 7

LETTER: Time to give the Ford government the credit it deserves

LETTER: Time to give the Ford government the credit it deserves

Letters to the Editor |

C ALP replied

I do remember those times and I didn’t agree with them. Although in his defence, every province was doing this. NDP, Liberal and PC, I believe they were all being coerced into it by the Liberal Federal Government. Doug Ford had my vote because I will never vote for another party. I used to vote NDP but Jagmeet ruined that by becoming a coalition with the Liberals and not sticking up for his own values. It proved to me that the NDP can’t think for themselves and will just follow the Liberals. If they could show they’re more independent and not reliant on another party then maybe they’d get my vote again, until then my vote will remain PC, federally and provincially.

7 12

POLL: Most support province's curbs on new bike lanes

POLL: Most support province's curbs on new bike lanes

Local News |

C ALP replied

Clearly it isn’t easier because they just go ahead and do what they want. When they make bad decisions and ignore the citizens then the government needs to step in.

1 2

C ALP commented

I am really happy with what Ford is doing, I hope this happens. Our city is taking away lanes for vehicles to accommodate cyclists. During the entire summer I seen maybe 8-10 cyclists total on Wallace Terrace, this decision made no sense. Also now that Wallace Terrace is a single lane, people have started using Douglas as a new route. Whoever is doing and approving the changes in this city should step down! I can say for certain when it comes time to vote, I know who I won’t be voting for again! Everyone should start emailing Ford and voicing their concerns about these changes before our city starts lying saying we voted for this.

9 6 1

Angela Caputo tells Doug Ford to stay in his lane

Angela Caputo tells Doug Ford to stay in his lane

Local News |

C ALP commented

I think Ford is right! Look at the west end now, it’s brutal. Bike lanes shouldn’t be on busy roads, we also shouldn’t be losing lanes for vehicles when our population is seeing its highest growth. None of that west end construction makes any sense. Heading west we didn’t need a turning lane into the steel pant at Korah Rd. That should’ve been the thru lane to the west end and the right lane should’ve been a turning lane to head north on Korah rd. It’s about time someone takes some initiative and sets the rules, clearly whoever is this cities planner needs to go back to the drawing board.

75 15 5

Traffic signals will be covered up at this west-end intersection

Traffic signals will be covered up at this west-end intersection

Local News |

C ALP commented

So you’re going to trial it to see if there’s safety issues for people going to the splash pad, but the trial is during a time the splash isn’t open?

0 0 0

Shoemaker: Problem isn’t safe consumption sites, it’s Doug Ford

Shoemaker: Problem isn’t safe consumption sites, it’s Doug Ford

Local News |

C ALP commented

We shouldn’t have them, I agree with Ford. It’s an illegal substance and they shouldn’t be given a place to do illegal stuff. We need treatment centres and rehabs.

1 0 0

Sault Ste. Marie mayor: ‘Our community is addicted to parking’

Sault Ste. Marie mayor: ‘Our community is addicted to parking’

Local News |

C ALP commented

Ridiculous! Just another money grab like the speed cameras. How about fixing the city up and bringing more here so we don’t have to travel to shop or be entertained. Other than the beautiful outdoors we have for beaches and hiking this city has nothing for tourism, it’s a joke.

25 5 1

Chamber issues anti-Prime Day message as annual Amazon sale approaches

Chamber issues anti-Prime Day message as annual Amazon sale approaches

Local News |

C ALP commented

Local costs too much! Prefer the Amazon sales and variety. Small local businesses charge triple

3 1 0

Accusations fly as fundraiser ride for ARCH splits in two

Accusations fly as fundraiser ride for ARCH splits in two

Local News |

C ALP commented

Grand Gardens is a much better place for this, it’s safer, bigger and not crammed in a small residential area. The charity has grown so big it needs more space, which is a great thing for ARCH!

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