Tell me silverhair, how do you know everyone so supposedly see ride through a crossing actually HAS to do it? Im just curious given I doubt you've stopped for each one (if any) and asked hey you disabled? Which by the way I can charge you for and dont have to answer. For all you know the 2 people you seen do it dont have to get off and walk OR the sidewalk has a seperate crossing for a bike beside the crosswalk. Many in Sudbury do oddly. Funny thing is from my point of view theres no seperate set of rules that say cause for whatever reason a car can block a crossing or not yeild to somebody about to cross. Funny how that works isnt it.
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I dont know about you but Ive never paid a fine for using any city street in Sudbury. Guess I just didnt deserve the fine for breaking rules I agreed to follow
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Nah leave the roads. Cheap way to slow you down
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Sounds like a you problem Silverhair and Valley. Besides, I dont have to so dont expect it from me. I cant help what somebody who stole a bike from a kid does on it, theyre probably too high to even know theyre on a bike. But I can tell you everyone out on group rides with sanctioned groups around the city dont do either of those. But hey, you want that criss-crossing fixed go start at Bike Sudbury or Sessions, I bike with a lot of members of both havent seen it happen. Same with the infamous running red lights. Not my problem
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Theyre horrible at cash grabbing Claude. Cant say I know anyone whos gotten told to pay a fine for speeding. You'd think as a "cash grab" they'd ask evryone not just the people who deserve it.
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Good point, but like any other traffic ticket you cant get your new card once it expires until theyre paid.
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While youre at it, how about a $20,000 campaign to teach drivers theyre not allowed to stop and wait in crosswalks. They also have to wait for a bike or person to cross before making a turn especially right turns, they have right of way not vehicles. Whether in a bike lane or sidewalk they cross 1st, not you. Even add in all the reasons a person in Sudbury may be allowed to bike on the sidewalk and why we have seperated bike lanes up on the same level as the sidewalk. Municipal bylaw says Kids and their accompanying adult can bike on sidewalks. Accessibility laws across Canada say a bicycle is a mobility aid and when used as one regardless of age may bike on the sidewalk as a pedestrian, so you still yield for them in a vehicle. Bike lanes "open" in about 2 weeks, time you learn all that. People are already out on bikes, some (like me) never stopped for winter.
1 17 5
Oh great go waste the money on things that clearly havent worked. Speed bumps, bollards, all that stuff you've been trying for years and does nothing. Ask any person who lives where these things are. They've been outspoken about things like roaring engines as soon as a car passes a speed bump. Road diets work well, narrowed lanes make people less comfortable with speed. Now, lets get 6 more and double the income generated.
3 17 2
Ok since everyone disagrees with saving money RAISE TAXES AGAIN AND AGAIN AND BUY A WHOLE FLEET OF ELECTRIC BUSSES. What do I care, its not my taxes they'll be raising. 300% raise ought to pay for everything.
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I got an idea for all of you. Update your knowledge. See you all keep quoting old MTO junk but know nothing about bike laws. Funny how the MTO says a bike cant be on the sidewalk, then says a person has to walk a bike through one. Weird right. But then you go through Ontario bike laws and it says people allowed on sidewalks by municipality rules or accessible laws can go through an intersection just not in the crosswalk, so go a foot outside youre fine. Unless a sign tells you to dismount, only 1 I know of is the entrance to the CRA which oddly has a bike lane right beside it. So many crossings in this town alone were shrunk to accomidate a bike rolling through. It'd sure save a lot of issues if the MTO just updated their outdated contradictory garbage. Im jist trying to educate you all since nobody else will. Seems odd to me given history that of the 2 of you Valley is the right one. You, silverfriend are so full of contradictions Im just trying to fix for you. Need URLS
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