4075 total votes Added
The Village Report poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Sault Ste. Marie or other areas.
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There are 3 Canadian parties, Liberal Lite, Liberal and Liberal Max.
If you want change, you’ll just have to vote harder!
Vote early and vote often ;)
Or move to the States if you prefer.
anybody voting Liberal or NDP should have their head examined
Anybody who talks like this should. Big deal not everyone thinks the same as you or agrees with you
Anyone supporting PP should move.
anybody voting CON should have their head examined.
43% of Canadians aged 18-34 would join the US.
The best way to get pretty much every Canadian under 50 onboard with the idea of US annexation is to re-elect the Liberals after a disastrous decade of socialist governance that made life unaffordable and demoralized a whole generation.
This is something boomers living large won't ever understand.
I don’t think you can blame that on the liberals when every country in the world is having the same problem
Where did you get this figure?
Our government is far from socialist... you need to take a close look at what socialism and quit just saying what your cult leaders tell you to.
Anyone voting for Mini Trump Poilievre should have their head examined
Liberals are starting and escalating a trade war. This is an effort to make liberal communism be a thing
Carney wants our money
Freeland want to give our $ to the Ukraine
The other 2 wanna go back to covid induced communism
We need out from under this nonsense
Don't forget the one that brought it all on for the last ten years, landlocked all our resources so we can only sell to the US.!! Made us so weak economically......we are fresh for the taking. If media told the truth about Carney people would have a different opinion, he has lied over 3 times in the last week and moved a business to New York when he was head of the board......bringing jobs to America and out of Canada.
Umm John, the liberals did not start the trade war, that was orange felon in charge of the USA.
Carney doesn't want our money any more than polievre does, probably far less so... polievre wants all of our money and all of the power because he is just a mini-trump.
Ukraine needs our backing and support right now... unless you want Russia to win.
Communism, when was communism ever in charge? Please define communism for us.
Not the time to play," common sense "look at their resume it's your country!
National Post:
Joly briefed Carney on Trump tariffs but not other Liberal leadership candidates
The sources said that when a caucus member pointed out that there are three other candidates, Joly said she would brief them if she can
Selected, Not Elected
This whole thing was a sham from the start
When Trudeau went to see Trump basically said that Canada could not weather a 25% tariff and would fail. Justin openly admitted the Canadian experiment has failed. Rolled over and showed his belly. Why because even he can see because of circumstances he and his crew created through bad bad policies made us weak. And yet so far 42% in this poll are still thinking that the Liberals are the way to go?
Ive never voted liberal, but i will this time to stop pc from implementing Project 2025, the plan destroying the states.
There are many openly embracing it, we need to stop it, or become a state.
I'd like to ask all the Liberal supporters how has their families life improved over the last decade under a Liberal government?
Record high personal debt ,foodbanks exhausted,catch and release bail,failed immigration policy,60 billion deficit (20 billion over last budget)You know I could go on.