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Member since: Feb, 2019

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Ontario measles cases surging; hospitalizations up to 31

Ontario measles cases surging; hospitalizations up to 31

Local News |

Getitright commented

If someone chooses not to get vaccinated and ends up hospitalized, they should be responsible to cover the costs. There’s no reason in this day and age to have people in hospital for diseases like measles.

Unfortunately, Covid has created a wave of anti-vaxers who are endangering their own health as well as their children’s. Natural selection at its finest.

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What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

Getitright replied

Or move to the States if you prefer.

18 12

Did you vote in the provincial election on Feb. 27?

Poll |

Getitright commented

Here we go with Ed Jenner complaining again. Shocker. Ed, what are you doing to improve your community? Your country?
Oh right! Nothing!! Move on keyboard warrior.

3 0 0

Half of eligible Greater Sudbury area voters cast votes

Half of eligible Greater Sudbury area voters cast votes

Local News |

Getitright replied

Ed - If the other 50% of voters showed up, who knows how things would turn out?

If you’re not satisfied with how things are run, what are you doing to get involved?

Oh right. You didn’t vote or get involved. Move along and quit complaining.

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Getitright replied

Ed, this explains a lot. If you want to change who’s in charge, you need to start by voting. Get your head out of the sand.

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Getitright commented

If you don’t vote you shouldn’t get to complain about how things are run. It’s not a hard concept to understand. Even my 18-year old made it out to vote for the first time. How embarrassing.

13 0 5

Alberta clipper will bring 'significant' snow over the area Friday

Alberta clipper will bring 'significant' snow over the area Friday

Local News |

Getitright commented

I wonder what they’ll do for buses tomorrow? You’d think after scrambling to get kids home after the last two storms that they’d learn to be a little more proactive?

1 1 0

School underfunding leading to violence spike, teachers' unions say

School underfunding leading to violence spike, teachers' unions say

Local News |

Getitright commented

100 percent truth! Our schools have changed so much over the last 5-10 years and our education system is falling apart for lack of funding and workforce. These problems will only keep increasing.
I dare parents to get involved and stop treating their child’s school as a daycare.

11 6 0

MPP’s Truth and Reconciliation bill voted down in legislature

MPP’s Truth and Reconciliation bill voted down in legislature

Around the North |

Getitright commented

The sad truth is that most wouldn’t take the day to reflect, but would just use it as just another day off. How many people “reflect” on Labour Day?

24 4 3

Union asks government to reconsider making untrained aides a fixture of long-term care

Union asks government to reconsider making untrained aides a fixture of long-term care

Beyond Local |

Getitright commented

It’s the same thing in education. Parents and grandparents supply teaching, unqualified ECE’s and EA’s in a lot of schools. I’d be extremely concerned if I were a parent. Schools are turning into daycares instead of educational facilities.
The state of our health and educational systems are appalling.

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