Hey disgruntled.......carbon tax has not been canceled it is a law that can only be taken off the books in parliament.....what you saw was just a photo op.... carney once said the carbon tax isn't high enough....it's paused.....hexwill bring it back when he no longer needs your vote but needs your money.
9 8
By subsidizing the cbc, the libs are paying over a billion dollar to help them campaign.
15 11
Hey rouser look around beyond the couch do you like what Canada is like now.....really.people can't afford to live anymore.
12 6
Dear citizen he cannot cancel the law on the books of the carbon tax until parliament is in house. Just a photo op. He will bring it back, and higher..as he has said it was not high enough
16 7
I like Cameron Ross, I agree with what he said in a comment of his I just read on Trudeau last day article.
3 2 0
Like the libs did in kicking out two in the leadership run, for reasons?
4 5
Hasn't lived in Canada for 11 years.
0 0
Wow, you said things if I 2rote they wouldn't print
2 1
Carney invented net zero policy, not getting rid of carbon tax just calling it a buried shadow tax instead, lied about five times already, said Trudeau 's carbon tax wasn't high enough, was Trudeau advisor for the last five years, he is just like Justin maybe worst.
0 2
No listings have been posted by endofthrones
Carney was trudeau's advisor for the last five years.......so it will be more of the same....possibly worst.
5 7