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Member since: Feb, 2025

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County nets nearly $450,000 from speed cameras in first six weeks

County nets nearly $450,000 from speed cameras in first six weeks

Local News |

D commented

Explain to me how this isn't a cash grab?

12 4 4

CLOSER LOOK: A new prime minister has been chosen — now when is the election?

CLOSER LOOK: A new prime minister has been chosen — now when is the election?

Closer Look |

D commented

So this is a Pollieve propaganda paper. Good to know!

2 2 0

Here are the 10 new automated speed camera locations proposed for the county

Here are the 10 new automated speed camera locations proposed for the county

Wellington County |

D commented

All a cash grab!

5 1 2

What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

D replied

Where did you get this figure?

12 0

D replied

Anyone supporting PP should move.

26 24

Transit-only lanes, more roundabouts and more may be coming to Guelph

Transit-only lanes, more roundabouts and more may be coming to Guelph

Local News |

D replied

Paul you are obviously a bike rider.

0 2

D commented

So there is data showing the number of incidents from when the plan was first introduced. Where is the data to prove this was an issue to introduce this plan in the first place?

1 2 0

UPDATE: Trump wants to destroy Canada’s economy, annex us: Trudeau and Ford

UPDATE: Trump wants to destroy Canada’s economy, annex us: Trudeau and Ford

Local News |

D replied

Grow up!

4 0

How old are you?

Poll |

D commented

I'm a boomer and rarely vote Conservative. This idea that we do is absurd. I vote who I think is best to lead the country and if there is no clear choice I vote for the best in my district. Younger generations have to stop generalizing as do we. I would prefer to leave the world in a better state than when I was here. As humans we have a very limited run. We should try to make the best of it for ourselves and for the future!

12 0 1

Guelph to get 8 more speed enforcement cameras, making it 12 in all

Guelph to get 8 more speed enforcement cameras, making it 12 in all

Local News |

D replied

The tickets are not ticketing drivers so no behaviour is changing. Where is the data showing there was even an increase in incidents to warrant the cameras in the first place?

7 3

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