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The Village Report poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Sault Ste. Marie or other areas.
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Your community poll numbers are way to high for this community. If you wanted a better representation you should of included under $20,000 then you would probably get a better view of how many live below the poverty line here in North Bay.
Perhaps. But in all likelihood those in that income bracket are too buy trying to survive and don't have the luxury of leisurely reading local news.
Did you vote Liberal?
In today's day under 60k is poverty lol
We're both retired now. Prices have gone up considerably. Will be interesting if we can afford anything any more.
Did you vote Liberal?
Call 211, the number is a call center with staff that are trained to help you find programs you might qualify for that are municipal, provincial or federal programs or go to www.211.on.ca
that link does not work
Noneya, thats my vote
Salary,Pension,Benifits,of All Government employees are consuming most of are tax dollars. For example OPP budget 95% goes to these must be rectified. NOW,
If one accounts for inflation, $60k per year is hovering around subsistence. Better than mimimum wage yes, but certainly not thriving. This is a glaring case of how corporate interests have been pandered to by our various levels of government over the past 40 years, and they've allowed them to run roughshod over the average worker. Add to this that the marginal tax rate system hasn't adjusted for this reality and treats someone earning $60k as being "rich" and are they're subsequently being penalized tax-wise. It's criminal.
If your local politician isn't talking about reforming the marginal tax system, then tell them to take a hike.
Highest percentage is under 60k how are these familys surviving thats horrible wow
Wow, must win for most millionaires, and most homeless at the same time lol, when I look at this poll
What’s crazy to me is you got two likes for that nonsensical comment
Should have, none of your business.
That would defeat the purpose of the poll, wouldn’t it?
The cost of living is extremely high compared to to seniors income. I am one of the lucky ones, I pay room and board to a family member but not everyone is as lucky
yeah everyone is as lucky my dear
nice and good