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Member since: May, 2018

Recent Comments

Robotics event will host 32 teams from across the province and Michigan

Robotics event will host 32 teams from across the province and Michigan

Local News |

Jrmp commented

Oooh don't see any tariffs on this....careful Canadians don't be fooled that you would be respected going over to the states. Watch out the Yanks are coming.... the yanks are coming as the song goes.

0 0 0

Profile: Libertarian candidate focused on defending individual freedoms

Profile: Libertarian candidate focused on defending individual freedoms

2025 Provincial Election News |

Jrmp commented

Not getting my vote on this platform

7 2 0

What party would you vote for if an Ontario provincial election was held today?

Poll |

Jrmp commented

Can you not put "Don't Know"

10 1 0

What is your pre-tax household income?

Poll |

Jrmp commented

Your community poll numbers are way to high for this community. If you wanted a better representation you should of included under $20,000 then you would probably get a better view of how many live below the poverty line here in North Bay.

35 7 3

What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

Jrmp commented

Don't know at this time.... certainly don't want conversative, liberal...??, Green don't know who is running, NDP...equally don't know who is running....!...Got any others?

13 59 3

Who would do a better job as Prime Minister?

Poll |

Jrmp commented

Can you not give a third option. As I do not agree with either of these 2. Not an accurate representation.

20 1 -1

City signs $485,000 five-year naming agreement for Memorial Gardens

City signs $485,000 five-year naming agreement for Memorial Gardens

Local News |

Jrmp commented

Oh please.... what next??? I certainly hope they never rebrand the "Memorial Gardens" part of it along with all the historical significance of all the great men and women who served and our tax payers who originally built it. Gosh is everything up for sale???

11 24 1

North Bay snowbirds facing five inches of snow in Myrtle Beach

North Bay snowbirds facing five inches of snow in Myrtle Beach

Local News |

Jrmp commented

So take that Trump....that is our answer to your 25% tarrifs ....we will keep sending you snow over you!

14 0 0

Food insecurity an income issue, not a food cost problem: nutritionist

Food insecurity an income issue, not a food cost problem: nutritionist

Local News |

Jrmp commented

This article is really off base! If she hasn't shopped in the last 5 years!! Food Insecurity is a direct cause of both high rising food costs and higher still housing costs!!! No one can still get by on $100 worth of groceries for a month as they did 5 years ago. Sky rocketing housing costs have eaten away at the food budget leaving only crumbs for for food! Health units are so far removed from the reality of things...come down to our level for a few months.... you will have a different view on things.

5 0 0

You've got unwanted items to sell. Would you like the City to.....

Poll |

Jrmp commented

It also would be preferable to have the city pick up large items that people have no way to transport at least twice a year...rather them dumping in neighbourhoods.

14 1 0

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