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Poll results:

Should Doug Ford call an early provincial election?

4 total votes   Added

Yes 0 votes 0.00%
No 4 votes 100.00%
Comments 38

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why would he?


Indeed. Ridiculous question

ankatea Verified

He's been discussing it, since he "doesn't have a mandate tk.spend" whatever amt of money ... idk.

He spends a lot regardless.. who knows.

someoneaheadofyourself Verified

Because the Federal Liberals are so low in the polls in Ontario at the moment. If you think this doesn't spill over to the Provincial level, think again. It's already been reported that there has been talk of it happening and taking advantage of it. Timing is everything.

Sault Boy18

If Ford calls an early election he will most likely be voted out.

someoneaheadofyourself Verified

Not necessarily. With the polls showing how low the Federal Liberals are, most would not want a Liberal government in Ontario, currently. That could change if he waits until after their election.

Mike Thomas

The lastest polls show an easy PC majority if an election were held today. Ninety seats.



Coach_1 Verified

Having just lost court battles with Global News over public access to his personal cell-phone logs on which he’d been conducting(by his own admission), government business, he can expect increasing public insight into who he’s been dealing with! The police investigation into the Greenbelt Lands scandal will be released at some approaching point and may be less than favourable to our premier and his “just folks” public act! The temptation to call an election before it becomes clear just how cosy he’s been with builders, developers and the Austrian consortium who signed an opaque agreement to destroy Ontario Place(publicly owned) to build a private spa development is offset by the knowledge that a provincial election call as we gird to defend against the tariffs and worse threatened by the Mango Mussolini, would likely not pass a smell test!
Interesting times?

Eileen Petersen

Just a waste of tax payers money, but what else is new!!


we already have no Prime Minister while rich people ( $300k to join the race ) are fighting to be his replacement - lets just add fuel to the fire by having a provincial election .

Pepsi drinker

We have a prime minister until a new leader is chosen then the writ will drop an election called.

someoneaheadofyourself Verified

He would because he's concerned that the Conservatives could win the Federal election first and wants to beat them to the punch because of Ontario's history of voting the opposite, provincially.

Surfing Bird
Surfing Bird

Remember back in 1990, David Peterson called an election after only three years from the previous one where he garnered a huge majority. There was no need to go to the polls and the voters punished him by electing Bob Rae and the NDP. He was perceived as being arrogant and in the end he lost and that ended his political career. Dougie should pay attention. He may win, but it could come with a smaller majority or a minority, which I believe the voters wanted to do to the Peterson government. Except it seems just enough people in enough ridings voted NDP as many riding victories were small margins. If enough people think the Ford government is being arrogant, there could be a surprise on election night.

Christine Brunette

I can’t wait to see him gone… he’s causing this doctor shortage! They are going to other provinces ….


According to the OMA - - there has been a doctor shortage for DECADES. Since Doug has not been in for a decade yet, this is not only his problem.
Let us remember which party was in charge of Ontario for

Myron Humeniuk

He should resign for his disgraceful disregard for Ontario’s environmental legislation.

Jim Hemphill Verified
Oakville News

He had 18% of the electorate last election winning him a majority. I am sure he could get even more now standing up to Trump.

Christine Brunette

lol he’s offending Trump! He’s going to cause more misery in Ontario!


Ford already has a majority mandate. He can exercise that mandate without calling an election. An election now is not in the best interests of Ontario, nor of Canada.

The Village Report poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Sault Ste. Marie or other areas.