If the writer of this letter were to look at the history books, he will see that when Canada had had good economic times, it was under a Liberal government and when hard times were had, usually under Conservatives. The many social programmes we have came from the Liberals while unpopular things like income tax came from Conservatives. Do you really believe what Pierre Poilievre is saying in his commercials? If he is going to cap spending, then where will the money come from to stop the crime, cut taxes, build houses, secure the border and reequip the military? These items will cost and the money will come from the favourite Conservative cuts of health, education, social services while he will make sure his corporate friends reap the benefits. When our Indigenous people blockade the roads and rails, it was Poilievre who said they had no right to do so, but praised the convoy when they did the same. Four years of him is exactly what Trump wants.
6 5 0
How many years have we been hearing about the Ring of Fire? It is no further ahead than when the project was first mentioned. I recall Ford saying before the 2018 election they he’d get the ball rolling even if he and Vic Fedeli had to drive the bulldozers in. What did Ford do? He fired the team negotiating with First Nations because they were appointed by the Liberals. Several bands had signed, but that was all nullified and the process had to start all over. Either move ahead or let the project go.
4 2 1
Yup. Trump said if we didn’t stem the flow of fentanyl, he would levy tariffs on Canada. We have put in the necessary measures, but still not good enough for Putin’s biggest fan. Might as well stop policing the border and let the fentanyl and any illegal migrants cross into Amurica.
5 1 0
Teachers have no say regarding bus cancellations. The buses are handle by a separate entity that is not controlled by school boards. This group decides at 5:00 am and bases their decision on what the weather maps are showing.
1 0
Remember back in 1990, David Peterson called an election after only three years from the previous one where he garnered a huge majority. There was no need to go to the polls and the voters punished him by electing Bob Rae and the NDP. He was perceived as being arrogant and in the end he lost and that ended his political career. Dougie should pay attention. He may win, but it could come with a smaller majority or a minority, which I believe the voters wanted to do to the Peterson government. Except it seems just enough people in enough ridings voted NDP as many riding victories were small margins. If enough people think the Ford government is being arrogant, there could be a surprise on election night.
45 13 3
If Vic so values the train, then why has it taken this long for its return? The promise was the train would be back before the end of the first Conservative mandate (2022). Now it may not be operational until the end of the second mandate. Vic also said during the first term that the ONR did not have enough equipment to run a passenger service, that the Liberals sold off the track south of North Bay as well as selling the track used in Union Station. The ONR has enough conventional equipment to run passenger service now. The Liberals could not sell off track south of North Bay as CN owns that line. The tracks at Union Station are owned by Metrolinx, so who would a Liberal government have sold the track to? Hopefully the new trains will revitalize passenger service and that government pushes the train as an alternative to driving, thus alleviating congestion on the roads and pollution in the air.
20 5 0
Time to stand up to him. Trump’s whole persona is intimidation. That was how he operated in business when he’d welsh on contracts, telling the person or group that he wasn’t paying the full amount and dared them to take him to court if they did like what he offered. No one took him up on his offer of court. Canada should simply nod and smile and move on to other trade markets. Or he wants tariffs until we do something about illegal migrants and the drug trade. Canada should say that’s fair as long as you don’t mind a tariff on your stuff until you control the flow of handguns coming here. Do whatever he does and get allies and friends to do the same. Show him the world will not accede to his childless behaviours. It will be the average American who will pay for all his promised tariffs.
6 7 0
The user group is applauding the new twin ice pads saying it will be a boon to the economy and the teams will not have to travel to the surrounding communities. It’s fine if the new pads were being added to what we now have. Currently there are four ice pads and with the building of the new complex, three ice surfaces will be decommissioned. So we are going from four to three. How is this improving the situation of not enough ice time? Must be new math where subtraction by addition leads to more ice time. Don’t be surprised within five years there will be the cry for more ice pads. Should have accepted Canadore’s offer of going 50-50 on four ice pads at Commerce court.
22 8 0
About 25 years ago or so, the Richardson Group (owners of Northgate) proposed building a new arena with a convention centre/hotel on the waterfront. It would not have costed the city any tax dollars and they would be in charge of the venue. All the Richardson group asked for was a piece of land to build on. The city’s response was they did not want to “divide” any waterfront lands. They said no to the offer. Canadore approached the city about sharing the cost for a fourplex arena at Commerce Court. Again the answer was no. About 35 years ago, give or take a few years, Honda was interested in building its auto plant here. They would cover the costs of roads, sewer, hydro, etc in exchange for a 10 year break on property tax. Again, city hall said no and Honda went to Alliston and we lost out on thousands of good jobs. Had the city let Honda come, Toyota was ready to follow and the spin off of jobs would have occurred and we would have been much better off financially. History repeats.
34 2 0
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Unfortunately the precedent was set by the Harper government when they allowed Conrad Black to return to Canada even though he was a felony and had renounced his Canadian citizenship because Prime Minister Chrétien would not allow him to sit in the British House of Lords. Why was Lord Conrad allowed back in after his jail time in the US? Because he was a big Conservative supporter and the type loved by the Cons. A Con for a Con.
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