Carney advised the Brits that their “Brexit” would cost British jobs, add costs and complexity to transactions and be an overall drag on their economy - they did it anyway! Then post Brexit, blamed Carney for the measures he took to stabilize the pound and manage their national debt! “Carnage” Carney provided true though unpopular advice and when he was proved correct and his job entailed actions that delivered the results their choices made inevitable, they blamed him.
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Maybe you should study how our system works as you clearly don’t know.
8 4
Were you a registered member of the Liberal party in good standing? If you were, and you’d registered to vote for the new leader you don’t get “a card”. Your credentials were established and provided on line.
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And both Toronto and Hamilton have had to deal with strikes. They’re a fact of life.
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Gould is doing exactly what she should be doing to position herself for the future. She’s well aware that Carney and Freeland are the only competitors with the chance, (one very large, one much less so), to win the race to lead the party and become the next PM. However she’s increasing her public recognition at the national level, shown she can fundraise at this level(indicating she has backing), has had a chance to put her ideas in the public forum for scrutiny, shown ability to accept criticism and to debate her views. She’s been a very capable and successful minister and has provided little fuel for attacks either on herself or her competence, or on the government and the PM.
She won’t win this round, but she’ll be back and ready to contend again. Good luck to them all!
11 15 2
Read the post. There were 1.94 million in-person visits which is hardly “not using”! The slowly deteriorating condition of the main branch and issues with access should also be factored into the equation.
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Ron, he’s had 7 years to find waste to cut and to start showing savings - so far, just ever-increasing deficits with vague improvements promised in the future “from growth”!
He’s a crook and he’s skating to get re-elected ahead of the RCMP report on the Greenbelt Scandal - since the courts have ruled that he can’t hide his personal phone records from investigators scrutiny, as he’s been revealed as not using government issued phones for years, his weaving and dodging are ending!
12 1
Actually it doesn’t though he’s made various claims - experts in large tunnelling projects estimate the total could run as $100 billion and take several decades to complete.
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Great news though I fear this iteration may not align with my many good memories.
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Because it was prorogued. The new PM has a choice of calling for an election or recalling Parliament and presenting a legislative agenda. All odds say he’ll call an election very quickly to lock in the polling bump from the Liberal leadership campaign and to take advantage of the animosity that Trump’s insults and threats have fueled! Should be clear by Monday or possibly sooner.
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