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The Village Report poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Sault Ste. Marie or other areas.
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It makes Canada unique. The Americans would give anything to be able to say that they had a King or Queen - also they have Donald Trump.
It makes Canada … the same as every other commonwealth country 🤷🏻♂️
This is the exact opposite of American Liberty and Freedom. 🙄 The entire identity of Americanism is Independence from the Crown.
Who’s voting “Continue with the Monarchy”
And, why?
Probably those who have been watching as an authoritarian thug with financial support from the uber-rich American oligarchs has upended and begun dismantling the structure of the tepublic next door!
Coach 1
Your subjective complaints with no evidence about the USA has little no bearing on Canada being a Constitutional Republic
We can make the EXACT same arguments for the Liberals in Canada today within our Constitutional Monarchy.
Look to South of our border, do we really want a Republic??
Because APaquet I've travelled through every state in the USA except one. It's not great if you open your eyes and travel the back roads. Trust me on that. We've owned a home south of the border and graduated from an American university. Canada is much better in many ways. Proud to be Canadian and happy to have cut our connection with the USA.
Go Canada Go
Santa Luzia - Canada becoming a Constitutional Republic would alter its governance model closer to that of France.
It in no way entails us completely changing our systems of governance to that of the US
Should also note that the governance model of the US and the current state of things on the “backroads” as you have anecdotally brought up cannot be directly determined to be cause /effect. Too many variables to make such a distinction
P.S. I guess you’ve never been “backroading” in Canada or in Canada’s urban centres?
Should I state that every bad backroad or city slum in Canada that exist, all be because we have. Constitutional monarchy / Westminster parliament system?
No, you cannot just make such claims without multiple studies and data to support it
I’ve lived out West and had to escape parts of Vancouver that turned into a crime ridden expensive narcotics ridden slum.
I’ve lived in the US urban and rural, and I’ve had the unfortunate experience of living in the GTA
Neither our anecdotal experiences have anything to do with monarchy Vs republic
I'll happily keep the Monarchy.
The Monarchy is part of our history. We should not be forced to get rid of it because of the diversity of our country.
England doesn't want their king, why should we want him.
At $58 million annually it's money to that could be better spent.
At least get rid of the expensive do nothing but take our money Governor General.
It costs the Canadian Tax payer millions of dollars. Canada hands over 2% of our postal revenues to the Crown. And for what? It hasn’t help us with Trump. Charles is the Head of State in Canada and not a peep from him with all this talk from Trump taking Canada.