Since Carney was Trudeau's behind the scene advisor exactly how is he going to run things differently now that he is in charge? And are Liberal voters ok with the fact that he was caught in numerous lies?
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Schools are named after where they are but someone thinks we really need a "naming committee" for this one?
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I won't buy your wine because of a name on your building? Nothing better to do then be jerks!
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Work on your spelling!
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Why would we fly an American flag on city property in the first place?
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The big problem is that every organization wants more and more and more and where do they think all this money comes from? Taxes go up and more people can't feed their kids so the schools want more. Endless cycle.
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Why would a Doctor, who says the Conservatives are at fault for the Doctor shortage, decide to run for the Liberals and become a politician instead of continuing to practice the profession that we have a shortage of?
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I compost my own organics so am I in trouble for not putting out my green bin every week?
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Getting off drugs is better.
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No listings have been posted by Gregg Collins
Living in the country, which I love, I have to pay for my own transportation since there is no transit out here so why should I have to help pay for peoples travel cost in Barrie. If the cost to take Barrie transit was raised so it was rider funded the cost would still be much lower than paying for your own vehicle.
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