It seems to me that people have their head in the sand. Across Canada coast to coast there is a shortage of doctors and nurses. At least, we have doctors ad nurses other areas do not. We have to wait but at least we are not sent hundreds of miles away because we do not have a doctor.
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It makes Canada unique. The Americans would give anything to be able to say that they had a King or Queen - also they have Donald Trump.
24 16 2
The Americans would give their "right hand" to have a claim to Royalty. It is part of our heritage and makes us unique. I am all for keeping the Monarchy. However, I do not think that the King should have any say in what is going on in our present day affairs. It is good the way it is.
12 30 4
Try calling the City to ask about the state of the City street that you live on. The person I spoke to was totally rude. No need for that kind of response. After all our taxes pay those wages.
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Gone are the days when we vote the way our grandparents did. Start thinking about Canada and what is best for the country and vote accordingly. The NDP will not win an election and Trump will eat Sing for breakfast. The Liberals had their chance (I voted for Trudeau before) now I will vote PC. Buy Canadian everywhere you shop.
24 31 5
Sharon, a beautiful talented lady with a heart of gold. She will be missed by all who knew and loved her. She is now safe in the arms of Jesus. Thoughts and prayers are with Cary and the family. Barbara and Lisa Ormsto
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Dear Betty. So sorry for your loss. Dennis was the best repairman in the City. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Dear Don, Roseanne and Jeannine. No words of our could better express our feeling for our dearest friend Liz than those that are written above. We will miss her so very much. Liz was a "woman of God" and we know that she is safe in the arms of her beloved Jesus. Barbara and Lisa
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Ignorance is Bliss. It never ceases to amaze me how people twist facts to please themselves. Lets hope that the majority of the voters have some brains and actually see what is ahead of Ontario.
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