This is exactly the kind of development that the city needs all around the University. The building should be taller, but it's a start.
Students should have their housing close to thr University. This will free up the many homes across the city where they live now for families to live in.
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The US is an empire in decline, Donald is accelerating this decline.
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Where is Poilever's security clearance?
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Election is coming soon.
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What fentanyl? The 1 gram found at the border, or the 1000 kgs that comes from Mexico?
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What pipeline do you think we should build?
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Which God?
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I've never voted Liberal before, I will this federal election for the first time ever, simply because of Mark Carney. We've never had a more competant choice for Prime Minister.
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I really like Mark Carney, but he needs to get elected.
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No listings have been posted by kmorant
He's mentioned all those things, investment, build build build, grow the economy, energy east, building ports to get natural resources to market.
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