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Burlington woman's luck exploding after finding 54+ four-leaf clovers this spring

Ruth Moshonas has a collection of the many four-leaf clovers she has found

Ruth Moshonas can't believe her luck and she wonders if other Burlington residents are just as charmed this spring.

She's found more than 54 four-leaf clovers in the Bronte Woods area, near Sutton Drive. She told BurlingtonToday that in one day alone, she found six.

The long-time resident has even found a couple of five-leaf clovers.

"I should buy a lottery ticket I guess," she said, adding she must have a good eye. 

Moshonas said she has a dog so she spends a lot of time walking in parks and school grounds where she has found all the four-leaf clovers. After finding more than a few, she started bringing pieces of paper with her when she heads out so she could more easily fold them over it to bring home. She's kept them on paper and wrapped in plastic wrap to store and document.

She said she doesn't do anything special to find them. She's curious if any other Burlington residents are experiencing the same luck in finding four-leaf clovers.

"Maybe we could have some kind of competition to see who can find the most?" she laughed.

In the past she said she's always kept her eyes out for them, but has never found more than two or three in a year. Even that's rare for many people.
