Considering the money you and your ego have wasted in this city it is really funny your apparent interest in saving money.
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Trump's PP Puppet
13 11
KED tried this to start but the city wanted complete control over the arena. After all how would city managers get free tickets to all the events (Remember the Elton John Concert).
The Deal was this. KED would have been built and paid for by the builder.
The city would have signed on as a party to the facility
The province would have provided a Super Low interest loan to builder
After 30 years the city would take over the arena.
The city refused. Instead the city despite the vast majority of taxpayers not wanting it there and not wanting to spend a 1/2 a billion dollars say downtown is the way to go.
The big question is Why ? Who benefits from the KED not being built ? The two groups that come to mind are BIA (Wanting to sell the downtown land at increased prices to the city) and the Casino land owner who doesn't want the rent from his Cash cow to go away. Until the arena gets built he is at risk of losing it. It was his lawyer who represented the group that delayed KED.
4 1
KED on the outskirts ? It's a 9 Min drive and it's closer to the major businesses on the Kingsway COSTCO, Silver City and all the main shopping centers and stores.
There is No parking downtown and now there is even less. We all know that after it's built there will be a sudden need for a parking structure. That the city will end up paying for.
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Bonderoff said he didn’t know enough to comment on this discrepancy.
When shown facts he just ignores them.... This makes me fear any engineering work he has done.
13 7 1
I fully support Electric Vehicles however this seems to be over the top for spending. We should be looking at running both. Electric on routes that are the most cost effective and diesel on routes that most cost effective.
This is the way things are going but maybe wait until the cost comes down and the tech catches up.
8 3 2
Most likely was written by AI the bots and trolls are out in force.
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11 7
You show a lack of basic understanding on how our system of government works. Canada is a constitutional monarchy the Prime Minister is NOT elected by the people he/she is the leader of the party with the most seats in the house of commons. If the leader of the party with the most seats changes then that person is the new Prime Minster.
This has been done by the Conservatives in the past AKA Kim Campbell
Campbell became the new prime minister in June 1993 after Mulroney resigned in the wake of declining popularity. In the 1993 Canadian federal election in October of that year, the Progressive Conservatives were decimated, losing all but two seats from a previous majority, with Campbell losing her own.
This is nothing odd, there is ZERO scandal here stop the trolling and vote however you want when the election comes around.
18 3
No listings have been posted by Sunshine74
I want to see the cost benefit on this before deciding. Does the taxes paid by the new development cover the cost ? How long is the return on investment ? If the new businesses pay more taxes than the cost, then go ahead if this ends up costing more then no don't do it. We need growth in Sudbury but growth that pays for it's self not uselessly pouring money into projects that don't return on investment (Like just about every project downtown)
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