Guess the warmth of the day plus the weekend high temps made for this decision.But I saw early morning & again about 11:00 a.m. the small machine using the brush then the plow on this skating path.Also many skaters.
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All these hurrahs for London,they did it.! But article states they are how much a bigger city than Sudbury,more tax base to pay for what they built.
Sudbury tax payers are told a price,but once near the end what is the real price.? A big cost,no parking,Sudbury has other costs that need fixing first.
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I get the areas the city stated these cameras are in,were a danger to most living in the area.But, camras are gone and the vroom vroom is back,I see it on my rte.through Garson every time I drive this area.
So it slows drivers down,or some anyway,but not all for 4 mths.,so how does the city state safety is their priority.?
So how about letting tax payers know where this 1.3 million money amt. went.? I have not seen a tax drop here,only a higher bill.?
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Wow what a great idea. I hike and at times see the odd walker on the trails who look quite upset or in deep thought,possibly this would be useful to them.?
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Keep going,do not allow the bully to call the shots.
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Congrats on your new school.
I grew up across the highway from where the school now stands,played on that same farmer's field.
This is an all in one school made up of other schools that were in the area like St.Joseph's which I attended half of grade 1 until St.Ann's was built in Hanmer which now has changed names .
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Pot holes. Cannot keep staff,in house fighting, our city falling apart.. do tax payers really think our city knows how to dress.? How are they running things now.?
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So what these companies have super experience or a great record.! Canadians do too in many sectors & Trump does not care.
This is a tough time for Canadians,many stating job losses. Re post,reward to a Canadian company bottom line.!
Council should of sided with Leduc on this one, hit back dollar for dollar.
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A liberal candidate,leader or any other title is no good to run anything.!
They told their own federal leader to leave, their provincail leader lost her riding & most others came last or low in the polls.
Think these facts sends the message.
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No listings have been posted by ladd56
I am told by public works they only have 12 employees to clean snow,remove banks.I am told & read numerous times more important issues to spend our tax dollar such as new arena & library hub & more ridiculous ideas just as this one is.
So my flooding continues such as today with the warm temps,possibly so will other areas.
Priorities do not exist in this town.
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