On some of these polls we should be able to pick more than one. Canada has a lot of issues to take care of. Besides healthcare there is housing and our economy. Also need to improve our military. Noticed that one was not on your list.
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Get to start working in my garden.
1 0 0
Beside diversification we need to in set in our own capabilities. We need to become self sufficient. With the resources we have that should not be hard. Kick out all American companies stealing our resources.
8 3 1
Also consider the U.S. an enemy. We need to change our way of thinking. Need to join BRICS or the European union.
6 6 0
Not surprised. Would have liked a different outcome.
1 0 0
No, but we also do not need to become like them. Arrogant and self righteous. It's their government that is the real problem. If you're not watching the news you should not be making any comments with regards to the scenario.
27 9
Have stopped buying U.S. products for last two weeks. Also stopped shopping at Wal-Mart and Dollartree. Will continue to shop at Costco though. They pay their employees good wages and have good benefits.
24 4 0
Health care should not be privatised. Ford needs to dump more public money into our hospitals, nurses and doctors.
0 1 0
The monarchy needs to go. Just like our economic ties with the U.S.
6 6 0
No listings have been posted by Mik Bielaski
Carney is a better choice than the rest. There are no good ones in the lot. And don't get me started on Pierre.
18 26 0