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King Charles III's coronation medal? What it has to do with the city of Burnaby? Is it a colonial past memories?
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The City of Burnaby lost truck of it’s spending spree!
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What he was talking about?
Very soon a new “AFFORDABLE” building at 4277 Norland Avenue will be put into operation in our district. It is a proud project by BC Housing and city of Burnaby for low income seniors. So, I was called 10 days ago and offered a one bedroom unit at this place for a $2200 a month! For M.Hurley and his team of lunatics it’s affordable!
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There are no needs to spend quarter of billions bucks in N.Bby but there is urgency to find a new mayor and his staff.
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SFU must develop those sports where there is a mass character and where both men and women participate.
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“Carmen Gonzalez, the city’s deputy general manager of parks, recreation and culture, added the city has experience in running cultural facilities.”
Well, cut city’s bureaucrats salaries and stop building 50+ Hong Kong style skyscrapers.
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👽All liberals lost sense of reality, lunatics?
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So is it Trump’s fault or Trudeau?
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No listings have been posted by Maheater
How those Ontarians were suppose going back home? I hope the judge apologized and released the black Hyundai.
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