retired millwright
Great, unless you remember history, a man waving a piece of paper, after talking with another bully, unless you are too young and didn't study history at school!!!
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If only... read the history of the country... Ukraine was part of the USSR, until a few years ago, and European peoples (especially eastern) have long memories, both good and bad. Stalin starved to death a lot of the Ukraine people, and then many Ukraines fought for the Nazis against the USSR and Allies. It is very hard to forget all the nastiness, especially when you are neighbours....
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Kinda waited until it stopped snow thro...
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230 housing units sounds great, but it is a fair walk across two rather busy roads for anyone to get to a grocery store, and I am not sure where they are going to have much parking area on that piece of land, it being right next to the ravine. Perhaps a better idea would have been to demolish the old King George school and build on that site, where there would be easy access to both Macdonald and Bruce...
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What I am about to say is not the politically correct issue. Guns are an inanimate piece of wood/plastic and metal and has to have a human do certain things to make it a weapon. In the U K where guns are not readily available killing by guns amount to 22 last year, however there were 548 killings by other means, nearly half by stabbings. In Canada the majority of murders can be traced to 4 cities, Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Winnipeg, why this is the case, I do not know, but I am sure the police in those cities have a good idea. Having a gun in rural areas is different and possibly a necessity, having one in a city, that is probably not a necessity. Although being in high crime areas it maybe a good idea...
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In my lifetime, I have seen 3 reasons for weather patterns to change. In the 1950's the heavy rains we got in the U K were put down to "Atonic Testing" and in the 60's70's it was "Global Warming" and in the 2000's it was the start of "Climate Change". I an just wondering what they will come up with next, as I hope I will still be around to laugh at the next change of mind....
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Some cities have graders that have a blade that comes down when passing driveways, I wonder why the city fathers have not invested in one that could be used for ice scaping roads so this does not happen....
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I always remember my late father's words... "one persons wage increase is another persons price increase", and so it goes on all things, groceries, gas, utilities, taxes. You cannot name one thing that has not had a persons wage increase to the cost increase of everything else!!!!
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With all their rules and regulations, that would be like joining a communist union...Please give you head a big shake, I moved from there, I know what it is like....
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No listings have been posted by oldlimey
So, being in the "Opposition Party" he is not supposed to oppose the things the Government is doing. So those who say he is being "Negative and Attacking" government policy, is this not what the "Opposition" is supposed to do, especially when that government policy is hurting the people of the country, they are supposed to be caring for?? If you can really say you are better off today, than you were 10 years ago, then continue to vote the way you do, nothing will change your mind!!!!
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