With that lineup of talent you could fill the gardens easy
1 12 6
I was ready to vote conservative but Carney is a very different. He understands fiscal responsibility. He criticized the carbon tax in front of Trudeau. He wants to balance the budget something Trudeau didn't understand the importance of! He wants to put more of your money back in your pockets. He has never been a politician and thats a good thing! He was the head of the bank of Canada and UK. That is an incredible resume for bringing this country back from massive spending and returning to Chretien era balanced budgets and no deficit. Harper depleted Jean's surplus! A cushion in case of emergency why? We could certainly use that surplus cushion right now!
5 12
Looks like a rusty bridge. Why wasn't it painted to prevent that and make it look nice?
0 7 1
This has nothing to do with fentinyl or migration! He will not get what he wants! America is no longer a reliable trading partner. We have to diversify quickly!
16 3
Alberta is scared to rock the boat lol. Sad really. When their cattle industry starts feeling the squeeze they might change their attitude. Oil is their bread and butter 10% could have been worse so look at the ground and keep walking. Lol
4 2
Don't know why you felt compelled to take a shot at Ford critics. We stand together strong in this assault on our country. Stay positive and united we hold! Ford is showing he is willing to fight for our way of life. I respect that!
24 2
I think electricity price should be higher! Let them pay through the teeth for it for now. Keep money coming in
36 3
Keep it stored. Day one after tariffs are removed its back on the shelf! Find something else to drink in the meantime! We have great Canadian options.
47 6
We could halt 100% of drugs and migration to the U.S. and he would still be fixed on tariffs. He doesn't understand anything he is doing and doesn't care! He's an old man puffing his chest trying to give the image that he is strong. He's just dragging his country down and making lower and middle class will be worse off. So sad for them. Canadians will never be an American state or kiss his ring!
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No listings have been posted by Main street 401
@MEkA that changes things. Too good to be true.
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