Marit Stiles may want to rethink that slogan.
29 6 1
I've never understood why he gets so much support. He is a fringe party leader and Guelph could be better served with someone from a party that at least has a chance to form government.
8 7
Nonsense. The "fear and confusion" of seeing police in schools, or anywhere, is what activists want to instill in children at a young age. I think most parents would welcome the outreach and having an officer assigned to a school so kids can get to know one and see they are human as well. Keep your kids at home that day if you want, but don't take the opportunities away from everyone else.
11 1 0
Let's get back to basics and start with the core services a city is supposed to provide. If our current taxes can pay for those with funds left over, then we can look at putting money in other places. The city has a spending appetite larger than what it can afford without punishing it's citizens with outrageous tax hikes.
13 4 1
Of course, the "elites" of society like these professors will always own financial assets like a home, not to mention a fat six-figure salary and pension paid for by taxpayers. It's the plebs like the rest of us who are expected to go without for the "greater good".
11 3
The self-defence laws need to be changed in this country so that law-abiding citizens don't get arrested for defending their own homes and property. The police will arrest you if you rough up an intruder in your own home and the criminal will likely be out on bail before you are. There was a cop on a news show last week who was asked what homeowners can do to protect themselves and their property and he said you can't do anything. Just give them what they want and you can't fight back or else you will be arrested he basically said.
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There are ice cream shops in Guelph that have a tip % calculator on the Interac machine at the cash register. Not sure why I would tip a cashier but you have to select "no tip" before you can continue to your payment, as if they are trying to make you feel bad or something.
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Sorry Lloyd, don't believe a word you say.
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Liberals at the provincial level in all provinces seem to be distancing themselves from the PM, who's becoming more toxic by the day. She also knows that Ontario historically has a Liberal government provincially when a Conservative government is in Ottawa, and vice versa. She can comfortably sit on the sidelines waiting for the blue tsunami to hit Ottawa.
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No listings have been posted by Joe Murphy
Unfortunately the Americans are dishonest partners who don't adhere to agreements they sign. What good is a signed free trade agreement when the Americans just violate it at will?
38 10 1