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Amazon, Walmart, Costco Uber, AirB&B, Starbucks, Best Buy, Home Depot, Tim Hortons, etc...are huge American organizations that have taken over our shopping habits to the detriment of our own businesses.... Not to mention our culture. And do they pay taxes in Canada and contribute to our education or our health care system or our infrastructure?
When are we going to wake up and support our OWN Canadian companies, technologies, talent, savoir faire, arts ? When are we going to start processing and manufacturing instead of sending our raw products and natural resources and importing the valu-added-finished product.We have a lot more to offer than Maple Syrup and Poutine.... Let's not wait until we are a mere franchise.
34 3 1
No listings have been posted by Michelle Brazeau
Amazon, Walmart, Costco Uber, AirB&B, Starbucks, Best Buy, Home Depot, Tim Hortons, etc...are huge American organizations that have taken over our shopping habits to the detriment of our own businesses.... Not to mention our culture. And do they pay taxes in Canada and contribute to our education or our health care system or our infrastructure?
When are we going to wake up and support our OWN Canadian companies, technologies, talent, savoir faire, arts ? When are we going to start processing and manufacturing instead of sending our raw products and natural resources and importing the valu-added-finished product.
We have a lot more to offer than Maple Syrup and Poutine.... Let's not wait until we are a mere franchise.
34 3 1