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Legion's drag queen show stirs up online 'hoopla', spurs sellout

Port McNicoll Legion drag show next Saturday faces backlash; branch president says 'I've never experienced anything like that'

Port McNicoll Legion’s drag queen show next Saturday has caused what’s become an all-to-regular occurrence.

And that is the many sassy, sometimes distasteful and occasional just mean social media comments about drag queens being “pedophiles and child molesters” with some wondering why the legion is hosting TroyBoy Entertainment performers in the first place.

“We’ve had these guys come in three times,” Bayport Legion 545 president Amanda Anne told MidlandToday.

“They’re a great moneymaker for us. They’re well organized, they’re respectful. I don’t understand all the hoopla.”

But this marks the first time the southwestern Ontario troupe’s visit has been met with so much vitriol from a few keyboard warriors, according to Anne.

“One guy said they were sex-trafficking,” Anne says, adding that she sought advice from another Legion official, who backed the Port McNicoll branch. “We don’t condone this type of behaviour.

“We make our own rules. We all do our own thing as long as you don’t break the Dominion guidelines.”

Some of the comments on social media, including one by one Kyle William, equate the event to drag queens reading at public libraries, including the one in Midland, which actually hosts such an event during March break.

“My opinion don't make a spectacle out of your lifestyle," William writes. "Be gay, be trans, be a dog, I don't care but stay away from the kids/ schools. Stop the sick agenda and stop promoting it.”

Another poster adds: “I'm glad my kids are adults now and I don't have to worry about this type of thinking in the schools and how it would affect them if they were still there. How is drag any different then black face as an example. It's men playing dress up.”

Aaron Moreau is quite succinct in his commentary of the entire affair.

“Disgusting.. bunch of pedophiles,” he writes. “If you support this crap. Your (sic) probably a pedophile.”

In fact things got so bad on one Facebook group in Victoria Harbour that Anne's post was actually removed and the comments hidden with the page administrator reminding people to behave properly.

“I’ve never experienced anything like that,” Anne says before adding a few choice words about one poster in particular.

“We never had a problem until it hit the Victoria Harbour Facebook site. I’ll know not to post in there anymore.”

But what’s ironic is that the negative comments, or “hoopla” as Anne generously calls them, have actually spurred on ticket sales leading to a sellout for next weekend’s event.

She also emphasizes that while legions play an important role in Canada as a place to honour the country’s veterans, they are also businesses that must deal with the same kinds of expenses all organizations face.

As well, Anne says that any events occurring at the legion have been passed by the organization’s members and board so it’s not a one-person decision.

Anne says the TroyBoy's drag night, which also features a bingo game, will bring in about $4,500 to the legion, money it very much needs to pay the bills.

“It’s very bizarre to me that there’s a group of people commenting (negatively) on this,” she says. “It blows my mind.”

But several have come to the branch’s defence with one calling Anne a very hard worker, who helps ensure the branch has enough money to operate by bringing in a wide range of entertainment options.

Doug Summers even offers a solution to those not happy with the show, noting “maybe the people who are complaining should make a giant donation then the legion can sit back and do nothing.”