SUDBURY - Hundreds of Sudburians, including scores of school children and elderly people, stood in respectful silence at Sudbury Community Arena for two minutes Monday for the annual Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Service.
The event was hosted by the Dr. Fred Starr Branch 76 of Sudbury
While the audience was in the stands, the floor of the arena was crowded with dozens of Legion members, military veterans. members of active and military reserve units, alongside members of the various first responders and other community groups.
The ceremony invited the participants to sing O Canada, listen to the playing of The Last Post by a trumpeter followed by a bagpiper playing a lament. The ceremony also heard a recital of the formal Act Of Remembrance.
Branch 76 Chaplain Shelley Kennedy thanked the people in the crowd for taking part in the annual ceremony.
She challenged the audience to look at the veterans at the event and to consider their contributions.
“They are serving. Some have served overseas. Some haven't. Some are getting ready to," said Kennedy.
"And we are all beneficiaries of their willingness. We could never be grateful enough or thank you enough for what you've done.”
Kennedy added that not everyone observes Remembrance Day
"Shame to those who put other things ahead of what this day and this time, represent and signify. Shame to those who put profit ahead of lives served and lived, and sacrifices made by men and women and families. Thank you to those of you who are here today.”
The event included a wreath-laying ceremony where all levels of government and several community organizations made a donation to the Legion for the honour of laying a wreath.
As the event came to a close the various military and community groups were invited to take part in a marchpast and a final salute for the audience in the arena.
Len Gillis is a reporter at