CAMBRIDGE - A Facebook post about gender pronouns made by Ward 6 Coun. Adam Cooper has drawn the ire of many in the community.
The post is of a person screaming with the caption "He took my pronouns! I have to live in reality now!" in reference to United States president Donald Trump recently signing an executive order indicating only two sexes will be recognized by his government; male and female.
Local business owner and board member for Grand River Pride, Eric Bolton, was quick to condemn the post, commenting "'re a city councillor. You should be better than this."
A lengthy back and forth in the comments section followed.
When reached by phone Thursday afternoon, Bolton stood by his condemnation.
"I see people post hate speech stuff and it's annoying. Sometimes you report it, sometimes you comment, sometimes you unfriend the person," Bolton said.
"The thing here that stood out is this is a city councillor using his platform to bully a minority and spread hate speech. That's what I called him out on."
Bolton said someone in the position of representing the city should be conducting themselves in a more professional manner.
And he's received hundreds of messages of support, including from other councillors.
"Disappointment," Bolton said of his initial reaction.
"Come on, we should definitely be better than this."
When reached for comment, Mayor Jan Liggett's office directed CambridgeToday to a prepared statement posted on the city's social media pages, but later said it wouldn't likely be posted until the end of the day.
CambridgeToday also sought comment from other members of council but was told to direct questions to the mayor.
Attempts to reach Cooper by phone, email and social media were unsuccessful.
It wasn't just the initial post that bothered Bolton, but the fact Cooper seemingly doubled-down in the comments.
The conversation Bolton was trying to have wasn't one directed at trans right but rather the obligation of professional conduct that should be expected from city councillors.
"That's where I tried to focus it," he said.
"You can have your thoughts and beliefs that we disagree on but when you're publicly bullying a minority, that's very different than expressing your thoughts. He's pretty much saying anyone who thinks trans and non-binary lives matter is delusional and it's not reality. It's mind-boggling."
Bolton said he doesn't believe Cooper is fit for the job of city councillor.
"I think he needs to rethink what he wants as a public servant," he said.
"We have a really beautiful community and he doesn't represent it with what he's saying."