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Aerial photos capture devastation of downtown fire (8 photos)

Loss of landmark downtown building will impact not only the businesses it housed but others in the area as the investigation and cleanup continue

It is the morning after a devastating downtown fire and photos paint an ugly picture of what has been left in its wake.

Yesterday morning, fire broke out on a landmark building at the corner of Peter and Missisaga streets. The fire consumed everything in its path and the building has been deemed a total loss.

While there was no one in the building at the time of the blaze, it destroyed several well-known local businesses such as Kelly's Klothing, Dr. Comics, Three Birds Salon — among others. Many businesses in the downtown core have also been impacted.

Steve Stoutt captured these photos this morning.

There will be lots more about the devastating fire and its aftermath on OrilliaMatters today and in the days ahead.